Don’t be a stranger

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, thoughts or feedback! We will make sure to follow up within 24 hours.
Our headquarters are located in Sweden.
Production in Spain.
Wallingatan 3B, 111 60, Stockholm, Sweden
We have innovated an eco-friendly packaging that is recycled and recyclable and highly stackable which allows for great logistic optimization. Less trucks equals less emissions. This allows us to eliminate plastic and lower our carbon footprint.
Recycled paper is more eco-friendly than virgin paper, since they recycle the paper. The downside is that recycled paper is a chemical that must be used to bleach and purify the paper and some on these chemicals can be harmful to people and the environment. On top of that the paper is usually harsh against the skin.
The Swedish forest is fantastic but we must look at how we best manage our natural resources. The global consumption of toilet paper will increase by almost 30% by 2040, which will have negative impact on our planet. Therefore we work with the most sustainable solution to meed the ever growing demand.
Bamboo replenishes the soil in which it grows, helps to clean the air and doesn’t need any fertilizer and pesticides since it’s naturally antibacterial. Bamboo is a super-grass that supports 5 of the UN’s 17 global goals see below:
Nr 1: Eradicate poverty
Nr 7: Affordable and clean energy
Nr 12: Responsible Consumption and production
Nr 13: Climate action
Nr 15: Life on land
All over the world except Antarctica. There are over 1600 species of bamboo and different species grow in different climates.
Our bamboo comes from Sichuan-Province in China.
Because it results in the world’s most comfortable paper and on top of that it’s good for our planet.Bamboo creates 30% more oxygen, is world’s fastest growing grass and can be harvested every year without being replanted. This is the opposite to conventional tree, since it takes 50-60 years for trees to grow and after the trees has been harvested the root system dies.
Our bamboo comes from 100% renewable resources and since bamboo has very long and round fibers.
Why would it? Our goal is to create products thats in harmony with nature, therefore we don’t see the value of adding chemicals like bleach and chlorine to make it whiter. #Naturalisbeautifull
Contrary to popular belief, the biggest environmental impact of papermaking is not resources but the source of the enormous amount of energy that the process requires. A paper made with energy from renewable sources will, in essence, be a very sustainable paper.There are secondary environmental impacts, such as the type of packaging used in the final product, logistical inefficiencies or the destination of the waste generated during the manufacturing process.
Contact us
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, thoughts or feedback!